• Restaurant & Bar

    Meal Costing software breaking down the cost of assembled meals and drinks to the approximate cost per plate or drink.

  • Bakery & Brewery

    Our costing software supports the tracking of inventory by cost and quantity of large batch manufactured items.

  • Food Packaging

    Track the cost of making, packing and selling products for retail sale.

Product Measurement

Cost per unit

Costbucket break the cost of input materials or ingredients down from the purchase unit of measurement to the consumption unit of measurement to calculate the cost of items made.


Bill of Material

Easily create a bill of material to calculate the recipes and input materials. It converts the ingredients from the purchase method to consumption method and automatically recalculates whenever new supplier invoices are processed.

Product Type

Make or Assemble

Easily track products made, assemble or manufactured


Supplier Invoice

Process supplier invoices manually or forward email to have the AI scanner extract the data to and update inventory and cost in the BOM.

POS Sales

Point of Sale

Easily process sales on the POS machine in store or mobile sales and with each sale, the inventory is deducted, reports updated, profit and loss tracked by product.

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